Front Cover Mock Up Version One (using my own images)

As you can see bellow is my mock up front which i have developed from my research,case studies and a wide variation of sources.As you can see bellow their is three versions of this mock up product :-
1.To capture the Indie genre in sight via shapes,fonts,images,symbols etc.
2.To create a magazine which captivates and attracts my target audience in every way.
3.To create a magazine which demonstrates all the necessary information which is necessary and not over facing.
4.To overall be a successful product in all sense's and capture something for the wide spectrum of indie audiences.



Feedback Summary from peers,Teachers and my Target Audience:-

  1. The labels of who is featured in the magazine are to bold in colour and a little hard to read.
  2. The labels used are to big in comparison with other text and it looks odd.
  3. Their is no bar code which adds the authenticity.


  1. The white background acts as a black canvas to have stories and headlines added.
  2. The images strong use of colours and pose draws the readers attention to buy or read the product.
  3. The banner across the top of the quote and mast head are well positioned together with the images on the top right hand corner.

Overall from this product and from all the criticism i had received i was confident in creating my final product as this was practically the idea my audience wanted to create.However i have decided on my final product to gain feedback throughout from my target audience and do a 3 stage development .However if this doesn't work i will come back to the drawing board but this conventionally is a very limited range of ways to create an effective front cover and a fine line between people understanding your direction and not.

Content Mock Up Version 3 (using my own images)

From my research i had liked the content page which used an several images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.The next steps where to :-
1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.



Feedback Summary from peers,teachers and my target audience for improvements :-


  1. The images aren't symmetrical and it doesn't fit with the text to the left.
  2. There is a lot of inviolable open space so re arranging would need to take place.
  3. The pages numbers are two large in comparison to other text eg. main body
  4. The left side is to cultured and the right has a lot of free space.


  1. There is a clear definition between the text and images but only by a faint line but it is very effective.
  2. The uniform style is very effective and concise and gets across to its audience what is needed and desired.
  3. The geometric shapes are used to divide certain pictures to accompany the images.
  4. The clever use of colours again brightens up the some what dull background otherwise.

Overall i used all the advise above and implemented changes from stage 1-3 to improve the content page.The reason why feedback is so important is because it tells me what my target audience desires and wants from my product and helps or prompts me to further develop my ideas.

Content Mock Up Two (using my own images)

From my research i had liked the content page which used an several images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.The next steps where to :-

1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.


Feedback Summary from , peer,teachers and my target audience:-

  1. The images are two large on the right hand side of the content page.
  2. The pictures aren't compatible sizes and become destorted.
  3. The 'indiesix' indicator in the right hand corner is out of proportion.


  1. The clever use of colour in the left hand side subsidises the white background and is the pineal of the indie theme (bright colours).
  2. I like how suitable the divide is of a thin grey line down the side and this is aided by the images.
  3. i like the use of the geometric shapes as they are unusual but aren't boring and serve their propose as a text basis and divider.
  4. I also like the different colours used on labels as they are opposites but compliment each other very well.

Again i used the advise i was given and tried through out the 3 stages tried to implement things which would make the content more appropriate and appealing to my target audience, because they determine the success of your product and know what they desire for a effective magazine.

Content Mock Up One (using my own images and created ones)

From my research i had liked the content page which used an several images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.The next steps where to :-
1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
3.I then added the cork board as another basis which is unusual and unconventional as a competition based idea which is typical of a magazine to attract the reader more so.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.

For this product i had to create my own images as shown bellow in the form of a cassette tape and lighting bolts etc.This shows how i further developed my skills and ideas in fireworks and paint shop pro 8 at this point through drawing and line tools.






Feedback Summary From peers,teacher and most importantly my target audience:-

  1. The body text isn't symmetrical in the main body top section.
  2. The body text is boring and simple colours on a bland background.
  3. The Body text is to small and needs increasing in size as it is in parts unreadable.


  1. The left side background is used very cleverly and fades into the background well but acts as a good background for the more important articles.
  2. Also i like the use of cartoon imagery such as the cassette as it mirrors indie genre as they use very simple but dynamic images.
  3. I like the variation in locations and positions of the model/images.
  4. I like the geometric shapes created and the various colours used as it creates interest on the blank canvas and links with indie theme.
  5. I also like the variation of colours used on the labels to indicate important quotes or parts in the magazine.
  6. I also like the 'indiefix' indicator at the top right hand corner of the magazine to enhance the label of the magazine.
From the constructive feedback i received above i used all of it in the 3 progression stages above as you can see i tried to use the advice given as effectively as possible to make a more effective product for my target audience because they make the magazine a success and they know what they desire in a magazine.

Double Page Spread Mock Up 3 (using my own images)

From my research i had liked the double page spreads which used an entire images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.The next steps where to :-

1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
3.I then added the cork board as another basis which is unusual and unconventional as a competition based idea which is typical of a magazine to attract the reader more so.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.



Feedback summary from my peers,teacher and target audience
  1. There is no bottom border to pick out key points or ideas so it is slightly boring.
  2. There isn't enough text ratio to open space.
  3. The Band name is two large and doesn't dominate the area.
  4. Not enough on the spread a bit bland.


  1. The segregation of one image over a double spread without hindering the image.
  2. The use of the page indicator to imply the articles nature.
  3. The use of geometric shapes and colours which mirrors the indie genre.

Overall i acted upon the advice i was given because my target audience is the most important aspect and audience which will determine the spreads success and also they know what they want to read and see in a magazine.As you can see thought the three stage i tried to build on the foundations i had.However this double page spread isn't mine or my audience favourite spread but it helped me eliminate ideas and see what response i got from my audience.

Double Page Spread Mock Up 2 (using my own images)

From my research i had liked the double page spreads which used an entire images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.The next steps where to :-

1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
3.I then added the cork board as another basis which is unusual and unconventional as a competition based idea which is typical of a magazine to attract the reader more so.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.




Feedback summary from peers which aided development:-

  1. The image with just the band name doesn't really tell the story of the image which is important.
  2. The empty boxes is boring and pointless, you should add text.
  3. The text needs a collum created via a line etc.


  1. The clever use of geometric shapes adds interest and acts as a clever text box.
  2. The variation in coloured speech marks is representative of Indie colour mixing and gives a clever 3D effect.
  3. The two sided layout is also very effective as the text holds it's own due to the clever use of colour also it has just the right amount of text and isn't over bearing.
  4. I also like the text indicator in corner which implies the nature of the article.
  5. The uses of colours is clever to indicate the important parts of the articles as well as the different font sizes and type faces used.
  6. The use of the catchy quote bellow the band name is also very effective and entices readers.

The progression shown through the three stages shows my progression and use of the constructive critisum i was given and as you can see it was very useful from my target audicne becuase they know what they want in a magazine and it creates a effective mock up.

Double Page Spread Mock Up One (using my own images)

From my research i had liked the double page spreads which used an entire images as the background and base of the spread.As you can see i then utilised the fact that the band was quiet high on the image this enabled me to get the most important aspect of the aim of the double page spread on and then gave me a lot of space bellow which i was able to use for text.
The next steps where to :-

  1. I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.

  2. I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.

  3. I then added the cork board as another basis which is unusual and unconventional as a competition based idea which is typical of a magazine to attract the reader more so.

  4. I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.

Bellow is three stages of the making of the product :-




Feedback summary of peers (Viki Dempsey , Laura Chadock,Rachael Squires)
  1. The image was very cleverly used as a background because the text did not hinder anything vital in the image eg.grass.
  2. The text boxes aren't conventional and we like this because it doesn't make the whole of the bottom of the page white and the colours used helps this and keeps with the genre of the theme and target audience.
  3. The labels are cleverly used as quotes and i like the consistency of the fonts used.

We would improve:-

  1. The size of the text needs to be larger on the main body.
  2. The brightness of the image.

Magazine Photo Shoot And Development Of My Own Images (Outdoor)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
This is a powerpoint which shows how my first photoshoot deveopled and how i improved and approched problems which hindered the progression of the shot such as the weather , models not doing what they should etc.

Images Edited and via Photoshop and Fireworks

From all the photographs i have taken i decided to use this particular image for a few reasons these are:-

  1. This image is different and shows depth through the arrangement of the individuals

  2. Enables me to convey the differences in character of the individuals but with them still been seen in unison as a group aided by the colours.

  3. Also it represents the characters as individuals by there stance.

  4. Also because it is a very powerful image i in tented to use it as front cover image as it would attract my target audience even if i edited it and left just a white background because it has such a presence.

To edit the image i used predominately Fireworks in a free student trial i uploaded and used the lasso tool both magnetic and not.I also used adobe photoshop to compare the programs and us different tools fireworks didn't provide.

1. The original image.

As you can see i caught the red model in mid flow of movement which gave a strange effect.So already this was an aspect i wanted to correct because the models where my main concern as i was going to edit the background because the background and flooring didn't fit in with my theme and i wanted a neutral background.However everything else in this image is to my liking.
2. Second take of front cover image

As you can see rectified the position of the red model.However model green this shot didn't remain composed so i had to recapture the image as it wasn't fitting with my theme and broke my genre trend.So already this was an aspect i wanted to correct because the models where my main concern, as i explained above i was going to edit the background because the background and flooring didn't fit in with my theme and i wanted a neutral background.However everything else in this image is to my liking.
3rd Front cover shot

As you can see rectified the position of the red and the green models floors.So know the image was adequate to be used so an aspect because the models where my main concern, as i explained above i was going to edit the background because the background and flooring didn't fit in with my theme and i wanted a neutral background.However everything else in this image is to my liking.So know the image is ready for the editing process.

Final Image

Already i am sure as soon as you saw the images above you can see areas which need either toughing up or editing i sure did.
1. the carpet posed the largest problem as it is a typical old fashioned ' pub like carpet'.It consists of so many colours which are so similar the lasso tool found very difficult to pick up on the difference.However i lassoed the image as much as i could to eliminate the carpet,but it wasn't fully successful so i had to use the zoom tool to around 400 and then carefully using the circular and square brush eliminate and unwanted pixels why not damaging my final image.
2.I then eliminated the off white wall to give a crisp effect which was largely successful and then i again touched up the areas with the erasier.
Even though this sounds simple it is very complex and time consuming and n the future if i were to take a image i would try to use a more neutral background to reduce editing time.But overall it was very successful and developed my program skills.

My own images which have been editied due to inspirtational products

This is an example and an exsisting product of how i explored diffrent techniques here i mixed together both the orginal image and cartoonized idea.Even though i believe it is effective i could'nt find a sutble area for it in my coursework but helped to me aquire other skills which were vital in other areas.

Comments and Course of Action (contents)

As you can see from bellow i asked peers for advise on how i could improve my ideas and how this could help me to create and effective a true replicar of a magazine content which will :-

1. Utilise my genre and symbols
2.Create a content page which is targeted to my target audience
3.To create a content page which is interesting and unique but serves its purpose.

To do this from my research i am going to be careful with :-
1. My use of colour
2.Use of type face
3. Amount of Information
4.Differentiation in font size
7.Size of Images
8.How strong in colour the images are.