The three W's (who,what,why)

Hey my name is Jessica Squires ,I am media studies student from Biddulph High School. I decided to take media studies at AS due to the fact that I enjoy photography and the versatility it gives to explore and create.Also i find exploring the mind of a film producer through thier work from the way they move and position camera to the mise-on-scene which subconsiously influence the viewers mind amazing.
So what will i be doing ? ... well
AS foundation portfolio in media specification :-
To produce a piece of video/print
(I have chosen to do print as photography most intrests me and how creative you can be and the mystery behind the photograph and the many interpriations held by and audience.)

Printtheme is music magazine.

  • 1 Cover
  • 2 content pages
  • 2 page spread

I have many ideas on what to produce but I will also be putting various photography I have taken as practice but not specific to theme and items i have found through out my research.

1 comment:

Miss B.A. said...

I thing this blog is very nice!
I love the pink and the questions are so simple.
Bye people.
Kiss Bárbara