i was trying to create :-
1. A unique but effective content.
2. One that is uniform but challenges conventions
3. One that conveys the imformation and gets it across to the audience
4. A contents that is fitting for my target audeince and genre.
5. To utilise relating images and symbols to a useful part of the content.

Genral summary of feedback from peers (Anna Watson,Elizabeth Weaver,Viki Dempsey,Sophie Manley )
The advantages of this mock up :-
1.I like the two sided layout divded clearly into images and text.
2.The colours that correspond with text and numbers is a subconscious link.
3.I like the use of strong colours it is very indivudal and intresting .
1. I do not like the use of the under laying images becuase they are to busy and are distracting.
2.The text colours such as orange and yellow are hard to read on the background colours.
3.The banner of the magazine name is very bland and boring and stands out for the wrong reasons.
4.The images are not symetrical they are all different sizes and it looks odd
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