This double page spread was my last idea so i decided to try a different approach i did this by using the simplistic approach why still incorporating everything that was necessary.I decided to not incorporate the banner across the top of the page to see if the colour schemes and simplistic but unusual imagery would capture the readers attention.Also instead of using the left hand side of the double page spread purely for an image of the band the article is about i incorporated a small amount of text on to the band member to see if it hindered its success.I then positioned the band title at the top of the page instead of at the bottom of the page near the image of the band and it acted as the spread title to see again if the reader would read on without understanding of the spreads quantity.
I then used sarah from the ting tings as a image stand i believe this was sucessful as it is unusual but simple and attracts attention to the image.I agian gave the image a block blue border so it appeared as a picture frame.I then twisted the male singer upside down again attracting the readets attention why trying to link the images with the text bellow.
I then collected some imformation about the ting tings and separted it into two separte cloured boxes to imply a break in the text.Personally i bleive this is'nt very effective and you wsould loose the readers intrest as there is a large amount of writing and is maybe to small to keep the reader motivated to read on.
overall i would not use this layout as i challenges the conventions i believe to much which then givs the reverse effect becuas the target audeicne don't get it.Also i bleibe the colours are to intense leaving and maybe putting off the audience as well as the size of the text but overall i bleive the imargery works well but i think i wouldnt use tis becuase it is to risky.
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