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This is a representation of what i aim to create for my final product using exsisting images and i hope you take on board what i am trying to create and give constructive critisum.
i was trying to create :-
1. A unique but effective content.
2. One that is uniform but challenges conventions
3. One that conveys the imformation and gets it across to the audience
4. A contents that is fitting for my target audeince and genre.
5. To utilise relating images and symbols to a useful part of the content.
Genral summary of feedback from peers (Anna Watson,Elizabeth Weaver,Viki Dempsey,Sophie Manley )The advantages of this mock up :-
1.I like the two sided layout divded clearly into images and text.
2.The colours that correspond with text and numbers is a subconscious link.
3.I like the use of strong colours it is very indivudal and intresting .
1. I do not like the use of the under laying images becuase they are to busy and are distracting.
2.The text colours such as orange and yellow are hard to read on the background colours.
3.The banner of the magazine name is very bland and boring and stands out for the wrong reasons.
4.The images are not symetrical they are all different sizes and it looks odd
This is a representation of what i aim to create for my final product using existing images and i hope you take on board what i am trying to create and give constructive criticism.i was trying to create :-- A unique but effective content.
- One that is uniform but challenges conventions
- One that conveys the information and gets it across to the audience
- A contents that is fitting for my target audience and genre.
Genral summary of feedback from peers (Claire Robertson , Rachael Squires,Viki Dempsey , Emma Smith , Laura Ward,Tom Baddeley,Josh Whitehurst,Ben Dobson)The advantages of this mock up :-
- The box effect gives a uniformed effected which works well because there is a clear margin between the text and images.
- The invisible banner around the title indiedom which does not hinder the images or text.
- The Cartoon background gives a simple,but interesting background and lets the text act as labels.
- The colours that correspond with text and numbers is a subconscious link.
- The font size is to big in some cases eg. the page numbers and too small in others such as the 'labels'.
- To much colour in the images maybe some busy some simple.
- Not enough pages to be a true representation.
This double page spread was my last idea so i decided to try a different approach i did this by using the simplistic approach why still incorporating everything that was necessary.I decided to not incorporate the banner across the top of the page to see if the colour schemes and simplistic but unusual imagery would capture the readers attention.Also instead of using the left hand side of the double page spread purely for an image of the band the article is about i incorporated a small amount of text on to the band member to see if it hindered its success.I then positioned the band title at the top of the page instead of at the bottom of the page near the image of the band and it acted as the spread title to see again if the reader would read on without understanding of the spreads quantity.
I then used sarah from the ting tings as a image stand i believe this was sucessful as it is unusual but simple and attracts attention to the image.I agian gave the image a block blue border so it appeared as a picture frame.I then twisted the male singer upside down again attracting the readets attention why trying to link the images with the text bellow.
I then collected some imformation about the ting tings and separted it into two separte cloured boxes to imply a break in the text.Personally i bleive this is'nt very effective and you wsould loose the readers intrest as there is a large amount of writing and is maybe to small to keep the reader motivated to read on.
overall i would not use this layout as i challenges the conventions i believe to much which then givs the reverse effect becuas the target audeicne don't get it.Also i bleibe the colours are to intense leaving and maybe putting off the audience as well as the size of the text but overall i bleive the imargery works well but i think i wouldnt use tis becuase it is to risky.
This double page spread is the layout i have decided to pursue for my final idea as i believe the full image used as a background brings all the writing and imagery together.Also i like the simple but vibrant colour scheme which doesn't hinder the writing as it has a white background on the main.By having the entire one side of the double page spread being an image of the artist enables the audience subconsciously without words or just a few in terms of the band names implies the main frame and focus of the spread without it being cluttered and over bearing due to the bright colour scheme i will be using.
I then decided to use a very simple and straight to the point headline which used the reverse effect of the writing by making it simply black and then making its impact by using a bright background.
I then only used a few images of the band and event to enforce the headline and make the double page spread more interesting visually and i then used a simple border of block colour to distinguish the picture from the background making it stand out.
I kept the convention of the border across the top of the double page spread as a headline/quote from the text to entice the reader to read.
However i didn't keep with conventions in terms of a divide between images and text as i used an image as the entire background to the double page spread and put the text upon this.I believe this was more effective and made the double page spread flow and keep the readers interest.
I have decided this layout is the most appropriate layout for my magazine and it is in keeping with the genre i am pursuing (indie) and therefore will attract my target audience,why at the same time challenging conventions making the magazine different and unique and giving me more versatility to work with.

Again i used the convention of a banner across the top of the page to be used as an headline/quote from the text to entice the reader.However even though i believe this magazine is effective it was hard to incorporate the vibrant colour scheme i have being pursuing and aims at the other spectrum of the indie scale and can end up looking bland and loosing the readers then interest.Also i again used the whole left side of the double page spread dedicated to the main focus of the article, i believe this is effective however due to the dull colour scheme made it hard to incorporate the bands logo else both the text and image merged and it became hard to read so i kept the colour as block white however i believe this isn't very effective and cause the text and image to be segregated making the cover look amateurish and to regimented.
On the right hand side of the double page spread i used a cartoon black and white background i believe this was effective as i gave a simple background that didn't hinder the min focus of the spread but gave and interesting and unique appearance to catch the initial attention of the reader.I believe the paper with the text on segregates different aspects of the text and different sections without being over bearing.
I again Incorporated a few images of the band to link to the text and used a simple block black border to make the images stand out as they aren't very large.
Overall even though i believe this double page is effective i don't think it would fully fit with my target audience and the conventions of my magazine i am going to pursue however it gave me an idea of the versatility of my genre but didn't enable me to capture m readers attention how i want and use the colour scheme my target audience preferred.