Please fill in the necessary information as detailed as possible and relevant. This questionnaire will enable me by exploring my target audience understand what elements of magazines I could devolp into my print project. Thank you
1.What genre of music magazine do you prefer and why?
(eg.rock, pop, RnB, Indie)
2.What feature of a music magazine attracts you the most and why?
3.Out of the two master heads and fonts bellow which one do you prefer and why?

4.Out of the two genre of music magazines bellow which do you prefer and why?
(Eg.mise-on-scene, colour,Size,model,camer shot)

1.What genre of music magazine do you prefer and why?
(eg.rock, pop, RnB, Indie)
2.What feature of a music magazine attracts you the most and why?
3.Out of the two master heads and fonts bellow which one do you prefer and why?

4.Out of the two genre of music magazines bellow which do you prefer and why?
(Eg.mise-on-scene, colour,Size,model,camer shot)

5.What genre of magazine do you most enjoy reading and why?
(Eg factual, real life stories,fashion, celebrites,music based)
6.Which cover artist of the two bellow attracts you the most and why?
(Comment on mise-on-scene, camera angles, model, pose, colour scheme and layout)

7.From the two contents bellow which one do you find most useful and why?
(Focus on mise-on-scene- colour, layout, images, and intensity)
7.From the two contents bellow which one do you find most useful and why?
(Focus on mise-on-scene- colour, layout, images, and intensity)
8. From the contents above were there any elements of the content which hindered you ability to understand the information?
(Focus on mise-on-scene- colour, layout, images, and intensity)
8. From the contents above were there any elements of the content which hindered you ability to understand the information?
(Focus on mise-on-scene- colour, layout, images, and intensity)

9.One the double page spreads bellow of different genres which do you most prefer that interests you and why?
(focus on mise-on-scene-colours layout,photographs,camera shots,colour)
9.One the double page spreads bellow of different genres which do you most prefer that interests you and why?
(focus on mise-on-scene-colours layout,photographs,camera shots,colour)

10.In your opinion what sort of balance of mise-on-scene do you prefer and why ?
(Focus on the colours used, layout,amount of images used, ratio of text to images use examples of magazines if you wish preferably music in genre)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10.In your opinion what sort of balance of mise-on-scene do you prefer and why ?
(Focus on the colours used, layout,amount of images used, ratio of text to images use examples of magazines if you wish preferably music in genre)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. I prefer RnB because i like the type of music performed and like to hear about the celebritys stories.
2. The main image and bright colours attract me to a magazine.
3. I prefer clash as it is feminate, fancier and more colourful than kerrang.
4.I prefer the smash hits one as it has a wider range of colour and stands out a lot more than the clash magazine.
5. I prefer to read real life stories as they tend to be more true than those of celebrities.
6. Leona Lewis attracts me more because of her stance and her position on the front cover. Also, there is not too much going on - as in not a lot of subheadings, which allows the reader to concentrate on the image more.
7. I find the one on the left more useful as it isn't too compact and confusing to find the contents list. Also the colour scheme is plain and simple which allows the text to stand out more whereas the other page is too full and cramped.
8. "This Week" catchs your eye first as there is a lot more text following it than the small space at the top where the contents is. The images are rather large too which catchs your eye a lot more than the actual textual information.
9.I am not sure because the one on the left is much calmer and uses brighter colours yet the one on the left is more chaotic as it is about motorbikes which i also like :)
10. I prefer brighter colours, not too much text on the front cover and a large image to grab attention. Preferably, the layout would look nice as the simple layout of a main image in the middle with little textual information around the outside.
Hi Jess,
Could be a good idea to print some of these questionnaires off and get them filled in.
Mr T.
Anna Broomhead Questionnaire Answers
1.I liked all genres of music,but i proberbly prefer rock,or dance,becuase i love the bass in dance music,and heavy gutiar riffs.
2.The masthead (if i know it or not) and the photo of band/artist.
3.'Kerrang'' becuase it looks like broken glass which fits with the whole 'rebelion' theme.It stands out more and looks better.
4.Probably Smash Hits.Eventhough the magazineis cluttered it catches my attention more.Ipreferthe genre of 'clash',but it does'nt catch at attention.
5.Real-life stories because they're shocking and intresting.Fashion becuase i like to look at peoples styles.
6.The one on 'kerrang' becuase it looks more proffestional.
7.The second,becuase it is set out more clearer.
8.The first one looked more like a list and the fonts are too small.
9.None really intrest me,buti f i had to pick it would be number two becuase of the photographs.
10.\on the front covers,i like a big photo,probably a close-up of a person.I like bright contrasting colours like bubblegum pink,electric blue and acid yellow.I like big titles and smaller fonts.I like to be able to see separate stories.
Viki Dempsey Questionnaire Answers
1.A bit of everything
2.Colours and bold fonts
3.'Kerrang' because it's more in your face and bold.
4.Number two because like it's packed with different information.
5.Celbrities and Fashion
6.Number one as it has more going on the front cover and looks intresting and busy.
7.Number two becuase it features more images.
8.No colour use is good (opposites)
9.The big Masthead graps my attension and makes the atricle feel exciting.
10.More images thana text and not too more text(gets tedious).
Laura Chaddock
1.Pop,RNB and indie becuase it's the kind of music i'm intrested in.
2.The image capture my attention more so,the masthead and what the articles are about also capture my attention though.
3.Kerrang as it stands out more with the words being split up with a line as though it is broken,where as clash is a little simple but it depends on what genre you were doing to what you'd choose.
4.Clash becuase Smashhits! lookes like there is too much happening and clash looks have been made for younger people.
5.I like a variety of music genres to but i enjoy reading the real-life stories about celbs.
6.Both attract my attention though 'beats' layout is a bit too simple for my liking although'Kerrang' is a little too much.The camera angles,poses and colour schemes are good on both though.
7.The second one as it has more images and seems more friendly towards the audience becuase of the note from the editor.
8.The writing on the first content was a little small and not many images were used but everything else seemed good.
9.Both articles would'nt intrest me but the layout on the second one does'nt entice more as much as the first although after a while i may find there's to much information on first one,i prefer the way the images are layered out in one aswell.
10.Depending what the article is about depends on thee ratio of texts and imagesbut i'd prefer more text than images and about the images (quite big)in the double page spread and the layout to be neat and organised but so i don't just look and think'too much writing' and then turn the page.
Sophie Manley Questionnaire Answers
1.I don't have a prefrence i like them all.
2.The masthead becuase it normally bold and gives you an idea about the genre.
3.'Kerrang'becuase it is more clear and stands out more than the clash one.
4.The clash one becuase its more for older teenagers.Smash hits looks to crammed and for younger teenagers.
5.Real life stories becuase its about its about true information and events that have actually happened.
6.I can't decide.Beats is more subtle and Kerrang is more of a picture than stand out.
7. Number two becuase it features more images.
8.No colour use is good(opposites)
9.Number one as it has a big masthead and graps my attention and makes the articles feel exciting.
10.More images than text and not more text.(gets tedious)
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