The content is divided in three sections by a simple column divide, which divides the ‘PUBLISHER NOTES' and the ‘CONTENTS’ this divide is also aided by the different use of colours vibrant pink for the sub-heading ‘CONTENTS’ and vibrant light blue for ‘PUBLISHER NOTES’ and the final section is ‘THE AUSTIN INDEPENDENT STAFF’ but this is in the same type face and colour as the general content which leads the reader to think of this as less important and the order and space given to the sub-heading implies this. The fourth section is the bright yellow box in the left hand corner of the content this is a convention in magazines for advertisements as the contrasting colours attract the readers.
The image used in the left hand corner is used to link with the ‘publisher note’ and the close up of the mans face being at the top implies he’s the publisher and above all those in the fourth section THE AUSTIN INDEPENDENT STAFF’ as in the close up he is silhouetted with a vibrant green which fits in with the theme of primary nearly neon colours and it being green also enforces his significance as this colour is not used anywhere else in the content page. The contrasting vertical lines of colours such as yellows, oranges and browns also make the ‘publisher’ stand out to the audience and almost puts him on a pedistool.Also the use of the colours in the background are used throughout the content page which implies he ties all the elements together that make the magazine.

The master head is appropriate to the genre of the magazine however I believe it isn't that effective as it is complicated to remember or understand and as I have explained previously the master head is the determine factor on the success of the magazine, But the variation in shape and colour makes the reader think that the magazine explores many different levels of culture and media. The shape of the font also implies the unusual genre of the magazine as both shapes are unusual. The colours used on the type face gold and purple strangely compliment each other why maintains the overall theme of the magazine.
Content listings
The content listing is simplistic so that the information is illegible and concise which is very effective for a reader as it is easy to find the necessary information. The type face used mirrors the title and is used consistently throughout except the sub-heading are featured in capital letters not bold as this fits in with the unconventional appearance of the magazine yet is still very effective. As you can see the creator has used many presentational devices to make the writing noticeable and interesting to the reader the colours used pink for sub-headings and black for the content of the sub-headings are very affective as the sub-heading may link back to the sub-heading on the front cover for example and stand out to the reader. Again the pink and black are contrasting yet compliment each together which is the case though out this content page.
The content master head
The type face used again is the same as the master head which is the general theme throughout but uses a a dynamic blue which hasn't been used which fits with the non conventional colour scheme and layout. The colour is the O of the content is merged as the divider between the content and images this is very effective as it acts as though it supplies the whole page with colour. So the title in affect has two jobs towards the layout and the overall mise-on-scene of the magazine.
Images and Photography used:-
The images used all have unusual settings but yet all make the reader inquisitive on the relationship they have to the articles to the left. The first image is a low angle shot of a young man whom is surrounded with vinyl records and images his dress implies as well as the images surrounding him that it is inspired dress is from the late 70’s,early 80’s.The colours used in the shot are again dynamic and contrasting which creates interest for the reader and this fashion of dress is being incorporated in modern fashion much more often. In the left hand corner in the same type face and monotone bold black is the page number which the picture links with in the magazine which is headed ‘DJ JayCeeHoh’ This also links with why he is central to the photograph as he is the focal point and by using a low angle shot it implies that he has a significant role in the DJ industry. Also the nature and era of the images behind him implies the genre of the music he specialises in. The lighting used again is bright which accentuates the dynamic colours used making the image more imposing and interesting to the reader, making them want to read the article which is the main aim of the publisher because if the contents isn't interesting the reader will already be bored.
The second image used on first glance implies to the reader that the nature of the article is of something of Robin Hood era due to the use of such props as a silver sterling sword and the stereotypical wood land area. However if you look closer the individual n the shot is in fact wearing a modern leather jacket which already interreges the reader on what the article is actually portraying, this could also be a down fall as it could repel a reader but generally looking at the overall nature of the magazine would compel the reader to read on and make links back to the content on the right hand side. Again in the left hand side of the photograph is a page number of 4 in a bold type face in the conventional black ,however this is very difficult to make out due to it being positioned on the tree bark which makes the number camouflaged in ,this could hinder the stories success as the reader as I did previously would be unsure of the relevance or what article it linked to. The lighting used makes the individual stand out and the contrast between his dark trench coat and the white snow implies he has some force or danger involving with the genre of the story, This impression I gained totally form the image and when I linked it back to the article name I realised how effective the photograph actually was. The title of the article is ‘6 It Ain’t Fencing’ this confirmed my first impression as it means from the phrase of the question that there is a sense of anger with the individual, however the use of colloquial language takes this edge of and makes the subject matter less aggressive yet still enticing on its nature.
The third image is of a young male in what seems to be a suit however this is not conventional dress for a young man already this leads the audience to believe he is unusual which makes the audience assume the nature of article he represents is also of a peculiar nature. The mise-on-scene of his dress and location enforces the audiences initial impression of the individual. The bright pink background contrasts with the masculine dark blue of the persons shirt which could imply his personality isn't totally masculine but he tries to portray this in his clothing, Again the checked mustard coloured jacket with the grey shirt are the only aspects of his dress that match however it implies that he has sme elements of normal but he still has a acquired taste. This is mirrored in the name of the article which the image represents which is the ‘Reality Geek’ the representation on the image is very clever as it represents your typical stereotypes but by the symbolism of colour has explored various meanings. The close up of the mans eyes enables the audience can see his frustration which is mirrored in his hand positioning implying he is frustrated this could also link to the colours which could indicate the nature of the article being his sexuality and the stereotypical problems which come with the stereotype ‘Geek’.
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