As you can see bellow is my final product which i have developed from my research,case studies and a wide variation of sources.As you can see bellow their is two versions of my final product ,however i believe the final version captures my projects aims:-
1.To capture the Indie genre in sight via shapes,fonts,images,symbols etc.
2.To create a magazine which captivates and attracts my target audience in every way.
3.To create a magazine which demonstrates all the necessary information which is necessary and not over facing.
4.To overall be a successful product in all sense's.


Feedback Summary, which aided development from target audience:-
- The text on the main body is two small
- The colours used on the text is very hard to read
- spellings need to be checked.
- The labels used in different colours are two small.
- The exclusive interview should just across the top of the magazine not on two levels.
- The banner across the bottom is a valuable asset but could be made more of a feature.
- I like positioning of the additional images and there coloured borders.
- I like the use of the band name on the image and as the interview header.
- I like the idea of the text on the whole image background the text just needs to be more visible and it would work very well.
- I like the idea of a article indicator but a new one needs to be created.
From the constructive critisum i have recieved i used this to create my final product and i think the outcome was very effiecent and capturvates my aims and Indie as a whole.When i created the first draft of my final product i new it was'nt quiet what i had hoped to acheive so by agian surveying my target audeince it has enabled me to create a product whic his of the pincael of Indie culture for my target audeince.
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