1.I added the page indicator at the top which is very stereotypical but very useful and is a quick indicator of the what the article or pages aim is.
2.I then added the text in different shaped boxes to not totally hinder the entire image and create a dive.But also to keep in with the indie theme and genre.
3.I then added the cork board as another basis which is unusual and unconventional as a competition based idea which is typical of a magazine to attract the reader more so.
4.I then created a box like affect around coloured labels which are quotes which again fits with the indie theme this was also added by the large speech marks.


Feedback summary from my peers,teacher and target audience
- There is no bottom border to pick out key points or ideas so it is slightly boring.
- There isn't enough text ratio to open space.
- The Band name is two large and doesn't dominate the area.
- Not enough on the spread a bit bland.
- The segregation of one image over a double spread without hindering the image.
- The use of the page indicator to imply the articles nature.
- The use of geometric shapes and colours which mirrors the indie genre.
Overall i acted upon the advice i was given because my target audience is the most important aspect and audience which will determine the spreads success and also they know what they want to read and see in a magazine.As you can see thought the three stage i tried to build on the foundations i had.However this double page spread isn't mine or my audience favourite spread but it helped me eliminate ideas and see what response i got from my audience.
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