As you can see from bellow i have been exploring on fireworks various methods such as blur,noise,invert colour,bevel bosse and many other methods to try and create and unusual font which will capture my readers attention but is fitting with the genre at the same time as you can see i have used various mast heads to do so as i didn't want the name to deter people opinions and bellow is and account of what results i have found.

As you can see again there is a clear winner the reason i think certain font did'nt do as well is manily due to colour schemes which people have told me that they were to feminine or male based so i think the colour scheme choosen keeps with the neon and bright theme of indie and caters for all and at the same time graps peoples attenson as the mast head can be the make or break of a magazine.
Feedback From Miss Walton
1. colourful one is very striking and vibrant and fits with the genre.
2.Blockheads is good but it its is very directed to one sex socail group eg.males
3.The noise added and the colours are very intresting but the purple and white are a bit bland
4.Thuis is clever as it adds together the colours of the previous two and has a good use of a tapper but this still is'nt my favourite.
5.The black ground of the noise in the title is boring and would only be suitable for black magazine which is steroptypical of your genre.
6.I like this one becuase it uses two colours which are sterotypically male and female,but it being embossed is unrealistic and unconventional for a magazine.
7.The same opionon i have applies to the one above but the emboss is gone which is more realistic.
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