AS media studies - Biddulph High School
This is the list of names i have produced but feel free to suggest any other possible names and if you feel merging ideas would produce a effective title please do suggest.
From the list bellow please can you indicate from the numbers at the side of the name which one/ones you preffer.
Claire Robertson:- Blockheads (11),Britpop Indie (6),Indiedom(4)
Rachael Squires :- indiedom(4),Indiefix(12),Arsty peeps (2)
Joshua Whitehurst :- indiemannia (5),indiedom(4),Arsty peeps (2)
Laura Ward :- indiefix(12),obscure(3),idiedom(4)
Amy Gerrard :- final position (10),indiefix(12),indiedom(4)
Christine Foster :- indiefix(12),indiedom(4),obscure(3)
Tom Baddeley:-indiemannia(5),MODcloth(7)
Viki Dempsey :- indiefix(12),Indiedom(4)
Sophie Maneley :- obsurce(3),indiedom(4)
Jade Breed:- indiedom(4),indiefix(12),obscure(3)
Ben Dobson:-MODcloth(7),indiedom(4)
Above are just some of the people i asked for an opinion on what name would attract my target audience best and make my magazine successful as you can see from the results above and from the overall numbers Indiefix came out top and indiedom a close second but as you can see all the magazine names were vert popular.Overall i am very happy with the choice of my target audience as i bleive it has relevence and is simple and sweet.
As you can see from my results there was a clear favorite with my audience.I have asked my audience why i they have choosen this font and the genral response was that the geometric shapes mirrored the image and shapes used by the typical indie band and instintanly suggested the genre to them.I am happy with this response as i also saw the link between the genre and shape and i beleive with the black outline will work wel with any colour scheme i pursue.
Dear whom this may concern,
I am a student from Biddulph High School Sports College and I am studding media studies at AS level. I am interested in many areas of media especially photography and film, but have specifically chosen to take forward print as a part of my coursework to enable me to explore this aspect of media as at A2 film is compulsory and this way I believe I will get a wide understanding and interest of the media world. The specification of the coursework is ‘To create a original music magazine of the genre of my choice and through research and analysis create a front cover, content page and a double page spread with my own photography and original stories’. As a part of my coursework, I have been using your magazine to analysis and report on and I find the mise-on-scene and photography used very effective in every issue and I am also interested in perusing and creating a magazine of the same genre. So basically I am writing to you to ask if you had any information about the magazine such as :-
Why you use the graphics you do?
How you use camera angles to assist the artist in portraying a certain message
How to create the perfect Masthead?
How to come up with the perfect magazine name?
What makes an interesting story?
And anything else you deem appropriate and any advice would be very grateful and would assist me in creating a perfect magazine.
hank you for your time,
Jessica Squires