This is only a very basic idea beucase i was playing around with fireworks.But as you can see the foundations of a good magazine front cover is there.
- The bar code which highlights the authenticity of the front cover.
- The image of lilly allen is well placed and links with the bar across the bottom of the page to indicate intresting words or items which will atrract the target audience.
- The use of colour blending such as with Lilly Allen, The Kalxons with the bar at the bottom of the page.
However there is some issues such as:-
1. The text colour and how readable it is beucase this is the main point of purchasing a magazine.
2.The mast heads position becuase at present it looks more like a poster.
So i will be acting on the areas i have found weakness to devolp my next mock up Front cover beucase my main aim is the please my target audience becuase they determine the success of my product.